Interview Question:
What qualities are important to you in a manager?
With this question, you are being tested on how well you would communicate and work under a firm's management style.
Do not respond with: - I do not like supervisors who micromanage.
Actually, managers have every right to micromanage and observe you to ensure you are getting work done. That's the purpose of their job.- I think a manager should allow employees to do what they feel.
This just shows you don't like being managed period.
Instead, focus on leadership aspects and positive qualities.
Acceptable Answers - A manager has an objective and displays his/her expertise that allows employees to learn and grow in the workplace.
- A manager knows the potential in his/her employees and is able to fairly delegate tasks that help meet the company's goals.
- A manager has the ability to inspire his/her subordinates to improve on their skills, and then rewards them for their accomplishments.
Then give an example of a manager you have worked with who portrays those qualities.
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