Interview Questions & Answers
How to Respond Correctly

These are common job interview questions that employers may ask, and you want to be ready to give your best answers.

Although managers will also have their own creative questions that you may not find here, the better you prepare for common ones, the more confident you will be to answer any other question coming at you.

First, follow these rules:

Interview Rule #1: Do NOT answer a question with "I'm hard-working and dedicated."

Of course, we are all "hard-working and dedicated." But employers need elaboration. What makes you work hard? What motivates you? How are you different?

Interview Rule #2: Avoid saying too much "um", "like", "uh", and "you know".

Think of how you would communicate with a salesperson... Wouldn't you want them to sound confident and absolutely sure of what they're selling to you. So just like in a job interview, sell yourself and be positive, while also not sounding overly confident.

Practice is key!

Have a friend go over these questions below with you. Nothing is wrong with practicing as if you were "acting out" the real interview. When you are able to prepare and understand your answers in advance, you will appear to be more self-assured in your interview.

However, beware of sounding as if you are reading off a script. Your answers need to come out naturally. So, in addition, prepare how your gestures, manners, and voice will come across. You can come up with great answers, but if you don't sound confident and natural, it won't convince the employer.

Now here are some questions for you to practice, and keep in mind the two rules above. Simply click on each question to review the appropriate responses.

1. Tell me a little about yourself...

2. What interests you about this position or company?

3. What are your strengths?

4. What are your weaknesses?

5. What has been your favorite and least favorite job?

6. What are your long-term career goals?

7. What qualities are important in a manager?

8. What is needed to make a good team?

9. How do you handle with stress?

10. Why did you or do you want to leave your job?

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Upload a full book of countless interview questions to practice right now!

This book has 81 FULL pages of numerous questions that will help you greatly in practicing your answers for an interview.

I absolutely recommend this book because the answers provided are what managers want to hear, and you'll be able to confidently respond to almost any question they ask you! Plus, the author is throwing in 9 additional bonus guides for free! And it's all for such a low price.

Preparing ahead of time increases your chances of getting hired, so don't take this process for granted! Upload The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers now!

Also, practice your own interview questions to ask.