Resume Writing Guide
The first obvious step in job searching is preparing your resume. Resume writing can be pretty difficult, especially if you had one job for several years and forgot how the process goes, or if you never even had a job before and have no idea where to start. It can be intimidating.
If you are still in the end unsure, I am offering my resume services to help you!
Remember, you need to stand out in this economy of increasing unemployed citizens. You might need all the help that you can get. So, why not start here? SEARCHING FOR A JOB IS A JOB ITSELF! Let's get started.
Outline and Organization
Final Tips on Resume Writing
Resume Samples
Create Job References List
Some managers take 30 seconds to review a resume. Some take 15 seconds. And others take even less time. Why such a short time you might ask? During my human resources days, I was reviewing hundreds of resumes a week. We were a pretty large company and had many positions to fill. However, recruiting for job candidates is only one task that managers have to squeeze into their daily schedules. With all the positions I had to fill alongside other duties that had deadlines (remember, an HR department deals with more than just recruiting), there was a limited amount of time to get all tasks done. Business has to be run after all. The aspects that a manager wants to see in a resume are experience, content, and a quality look. Therefore, with piles of resumes to review, employers want to know quickly which is the best, so they take just those few seconds to read each resume in their huge piles and right away see which ones qualify. Those aspects have to be glaring in their face within the few seconds, or your resume gets put aside. Therefore, having stressed this information, your resume writing skills must be very effective. That is why I created this online guide for you. I thoroughly developed each page here on my website to give you the exact resume writing details that should be displayed. With my recruiting experience, you will benefit from the helpful tips I provide as long as you are willing to clearly read and follow my advice.